Tuesday, June 16, 2009

If you leave it by your curb ...

... I will take it!!!

Two Post Tuesday is baaaack! I scored this awesome vintage cart on Sunday. For. free. My honey and I went on a Craigslist call and got more than we expected! Reason #2 why I love him so ... he's not afraid to grab stuff out of the trash. My Valentine's Day present? A bicycle that he found in the dumpster outside my old apartment - and it's a really good bike!

I've seen revamps of these cute little carts on many blogs, so I'm pretty excited to do one of my very own! Here's a picture of it fresh off the curb..

My cats sure loved it ...
Cleaned off and ready to be made over. Cats still lovin' on it.
My friend, Spray Paint, and I are gonna have a little fun tomorrow. Check back this evening for more on Two Post Tuesday!

1 comment:

thanks for stopping by chester and donkey. I love your comments ... they kind of make me squeal with delight when I see one.