Tuesday, October 6, 2009

1950's Kitchen

As you know, I'm challenging myself to finish 10 projects in 10 days. (See my sidebar for the info and my progress.) One of my projects is to gather some ideas for my kitchen decor. I decided I needed my kitchen to have a little more of a theme, so I ordered the vintage menus from Etsy that I raved about on Saturday to start.

I'm waiting on them to arrive to see what direction I want to take the transition, but I decided to search Flickr for a little inspiration. I found this picture ... No, it doesn't have much to do with my decor issues but isn't there just something about old pictures? Yes, there is.

I'm off to gather some more inspiration ... come back and see me tonight for some pictures of what I've been up to around the house.


  1. Woo hoo! Glad that you got those menus... they are going to look great! And, look, you marked one off your list!


  2. You are amazing. It acutally sounds like fun!


thanks for stopping by chester and donkey. I love your comments ... they kind of make me squeal with delight when I see one.