I've been noticeably absent from the blog world recently. I'll admit it, I am in a RUT.
I've been looking all over the place for inspiration and I've found a lot of great stuff, just nothing that's set that fire in me. How bad is that?!
My last few trips to Goodwill have been all right, but nothing has really jumped out at me. Its definitely time to venture out to other areas of my city, Indianapolis, to visit various Goodwill's, Salvation Army's and all the thrift stores along the way.
I will let you in on a little secret ... I'm trying to start my own business. As you know, I have a lot of antiques and collectibles that I've found throughout my thrift store hunts. Some, I've used in my home ... some have gone in boxes - waiting around for me to find a place for them.
Since I've started blogging, it's opened up a new world for me ... finally doing things that I enjoy! I love to create, decorate, and then tell you about it. Well, I'm trying to make that my full time job. My dream? To have my own antique and home decor shop, along with a studio so I can still spray paint the day away.
I'm currently in the process of taking photographs of my thrifty finds and listing them on Etsy. That's my start and hopefully soon, it'll be a booming business!
In the meantime, I'm going to PUSH myself to try out some new thrift stores and do my best to find some creative juice for you!